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Flying high. Foraging low

So many birds can be found in this forest.
I’m sure you all know the well-known laughing call of the Laughing Kookaburra often seen perched quietly on a tree branch and pouncing down to the ground to catch its prey of small lizards, snakes or other small creatures

And of course, the loud harsh screech of the noisy Sulphur-crested cockatoos that often gather in flocks. Do you know they mate for life and can live for over 80 years. Incredible!

Perhaps you’ve seen a splash of red and blue in the trees and this is most likely the beautiful Crimson Rosella often seen feeding in large groups eating seeds, flowers fruits and insect larvae. Their ringing bell-like call echoes through the forest.

But there are also many other smaller birds you might catch sight of. The Eastern Yellow Robin with its long persistent call It is one of the earliest and loudest calls of the dawn chorus and also at dusk. You might catch a glimpse of the little bird perched on a low branch or on the trunk of a tree.

And a bird with a similar call but louder, sharper and continued at great length. It is the White-throated Tree-creeper. This familiar bird can often be seen foraging and climbing trunks of rough eucalypts.

And the handsome Eastern Spinebill with its colourful black, white and chestnut brown plumage and long down-turned bill that enables it to get nectar from the flowers – it just loves our banksias and correas! It has a rapid, tinkling call that lets you know it’s there somewhere.

And the ringing rhythmic song of the Grey Shrike-thrush as it gleans its food of insects and small creatures from the ground particularly amongst the leaf litter. Do you know it has two distinctive calls – one in spring and one in autumn?

So many birds can be seen or heard as you walk along quietly. Perhaps you could make a list of the ones you identify.

As the sign says Flying high. Foraging low
The forest and woodlands are their home.

Birds Calls
Eastern Yellow Robin
Crimson Rosella
Grey Shrikethrush
Eastern Yellow Robin (Recording by Vicki Powys CC BY); Grey Shrikethrush (Recording by Marc Anderson, CC BY); Crimson Rosella call (Recording by Marc Anderson, CC BY)
Check Out The Birds Below
Crimson Rosella (Photo by Alison Watson)
Grey Shrike-thrush (Photo by Margaret Lacey)
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Photo by Alison Watson)
Kookaburra (Photo by David Paul, CC BY)
Eastern Yellow Robin (Photo by Alison Watson)
Eastern Yellow Robin (Photo by Keith McLean)
Eastern Spinebill (Photo by JJ Harrison, CC BY)
White-throated Treecreeper (Photo by Alison Watson)
Interpretive Signs

You can scan the QR code at each of the following interpretive signs to learn more about the plants and wildlife in this area: