The Anglesea and Surf Coast community answered the call and came out in force to pull, tug, rip, hack, smack, and heave out the mountain of Boneseed on Camp Road.
Around a hundred volunteers radically reduced the amount of boneseed in the area and the impact this invasive weed will have on our local environment.
All the regular volunteers were thrilled with the turnout (including young Ollie), and I am sure everyone had a great time. At one stage I looked up to see so many people on the hill, with Boneseed flying everywhere as it was yanked out of the ground.
Carol and Gary gave it their best – Sal and Mike visited the armory to tackle some of the larger boneseed beasts

Morning tea was a great reward for those that could hang out long enough!
Warm fuzzies in the heart are well deserved. Thanks especially to volunteers from Angair who helped to organise the event. Anglesea Coast Action was there too, and The Surf Coast Mountain Bike Club was very well represented. Cheers to Moz and Kat from Parks Victoria for hauling in the catering trailer to provide hot water for tea and coffee!
I think it is fair to say that any weeds that remain are either very well hidden, or were too strongly rooted in to budge. Let’s consider another crack at Boneseed Bluff in September, when it reveals itself with bright yellow flowers – we’ll come armed with a few picks and shovels!
Thanks to everyone that volunteered their time and to the organisations that participated and promoted the event to their members.