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Distillery Creek to Moggs Creek Walk

With this track having been closed for several years to enable Barwon Water to carry out infrastructure works on the Painkalac Dam and spillway, the group of 15 was keen to once again walk this favourite track linking the two picnic grounds – Distillery Creek and Moggs Creek on May 19.


There were some great tall trees – especially Blackwoods and Blue Gums


Penne & Chris were amazed at the length of some of the Blue Gum leaves

Penne and Chris

It was interesting to see the works on the dam wall and spillway that Barwon Water has just completed

Dam wall & spillway

We had morning tea overlooking the dam – no sign of a resident platypus but we did see an Australian Grebe diving in the water.  It was very pleasant sitting in the sunshine.

Group sitting on embankment
Group sitting on embankment

We walked through stands of understorey indigenous vegeatation until we reached the gateway leading to Gentle Annie Track

People at gate

From there it was just a pleasant downhill walk along the narrow track to the Moggs Creek Picnic Ground where we had lunch.  As we walked this track views of the ocean could be gained through the trees.

It was a good feeling to have this track once again open for people to use.

Margaret MacDonald