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Koala Count 2022

The annual Koala Count was held on 18 June. Twenty-seven people, including eight children turned up eager to participate in the survey to find koalas along Grey River Road in the National Park.

The group left from Aireys Inlet Hall and on the way made a diversion at Separation Creek to view an Elephant Seal which had hauled onto the beach for a rest. The Elephant Seal, a female, had been tagged as a pup on Macquarie Island in 1998. She is apparently in good condition. An Exclusion Zone had been established to protect the animal which is certainly an uncommon visitor to our shores.

Elephant Seal

We continued on to Kennett River where we had morning tea.

The weather conditions were perfect for walking and koala spotting.

itshighupIt’s high up


checkingtreesongreyrdChecking trees on Grey River Road

Our enthusiastic observers had recorded 12 koalas by the time we reached the turning point.

andheresanotheroneAnd here’s another one


We then climbed on to the ridge and had lunch overlooking the ocean and Grey River township.

lunchtimeoverlookinggreyriverLunch overlooking Grey River

We saw another five on the way back, finishing up with a total of 17 koalas.



Based on records over the years, it would indicate that koala numbers are declining. We noted however the forest trees and koalas we did see appeared to be in very good condition.

We had a most enjoyable day. It is always a pleasure to spend time in the national park and appreciate all it has to offer.

K. Traynor

Seal photo: Geoff Gates
Koala photos: Chrissy Freestone