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Moggs Creek/Coalmine Track walk

Easter Saturday dawned cool and brisk when 17 brave friends including family and friends  turned out for Walk 14, Moggs Creek, across to Eastern View. It was wonderful to have Lauchie and his daughter Mary join us for some of the walk, as well as Ross’s daughter Bridgit, all the way from the USA and Max from India & Canberra!

Group at start

After a steady climb to the top of the ridge it was time for a coffee break and to peel off outer garments. It was not until we reached more sandy country, that Marg Mac spotted the two patches of Leiocarpa gatesii Wrinkled Buttons that we had hoped to still be there from six years ago.

Wrinkled Button
Wrinkled Button

Numerous birds were spotted along the way including spotted and Striated Pardalotes, Eastern Spinebills, Yellow-faced, White-eared, Brown-headed, New Holland and White-naped Honeyeaters…plus Red Wattlebirds.


We also saw Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Scarlet Robins, Superb Blue Wrens,  White-throated Treecreepers, Eastern Yellow Robins, Magpies, Welcome Swallows, Brown Thornbills, White-browed Scrubwrens, Pied Currawongs, Starlings,  Crimson Rosellas…plus a few more unidentified small brown birds…. Max was keenly learning some of the Australian species he was unfamiliar with. We also saw a range of fungi.


Apart from serious erosion on the service tracks and the noisy trail bike riders, walking amongst the various Eucaplyts was a great break from the busy Easter crowds not far away.


We finished at the Great Ocean Road Archway at approximately 2.00pm where the shuttle cars took the walkers back to Moggs Creek.

Sue Guinness