Cross the Erskine River bridge at Lorne and drive west on the Great Ocean Road for 5.9 km to the Sheoak Falls Car Park. There is an information board but no other facilities.
Start the walk just past the information board and follow the well-formed track through coastal vegetation to a boardwalk that leads you down to Sheoak Creek.
The steep track, with well-formed steps, follows Sheoak Creek upstream. The sides of the valley become increasingly steep, and you reach a rocky gorge. Attractive vegetation grows in crevices between the rocks as well as creeping over the rock face. At the first junction take the signed lower track through large sheoaks to a platform at the bottom of the falls. It is a tranquil spot to enjoy the deep pool, water ferns and to listen to the birds.
Return to the junction and continue up more steep steps to a lookout over the gully, with views of the creek and Swallow Cave.
Continue to the creek crossing which is easy and gives you a different view of Sheoak Creek. It should not be attempted if the steppingstones are under water.
Follow the track past the track to Sheoak Picnic Ground, to the viewing point for Swallow Cave where you might see Tree Martins. There are some spectacular views of the high cliffs and often of the water tumbling over the rocky outcrop and forming the Sheoak Cascades.
Retrace your steps, taking time to admire the beauty of the eucalypt and sheoak clad hills, the rocky gorge, the creek below, and the magnificent coastal views.