Car Shuttle. Leave pick-up car near Alcoa roundabout in Camp Road Anglesea
From the roundabout at the corner of the Great Ocean Road turn into Forest Road and continue for 5.8 km. Turn left into Gum Flat Road and travel 7 km to Harrison Track. Park in Gum Flat Road. Leave pick-up car at Alcoa roundabout in Camp Road, Anglesea.
The first part of the walk passes through woodland with tall hollow-bearing eucalypts. Look out for orchids along the track edges. Also look and listen for Southern Emu-wrens in the heathland near Gum Flat Road. Soon the area opens up into heathy woodland with many beautiful grasstrees.
After a slight rise, at about 2 km, there is a well-placed seat with lovely views of the Anglesea valley where you may see Wedge-tailed Eagles or a Swamp Harrier. It is a place to contemplate the peaceful scene. The sandy track follows the river valley. At about 4 km the thickly growing Scented Paperbark begins to dominate the vegetation. A little further on there is another area of Southern Emu-wren habitat. At 6 km take the short steep gravelly section to a table and bench seat providing a nice place to pause, before continuing across the large stepping-stones surrounded by the uncommon flowering Yellow Rice-flower that produces masses of flowers in spring and summer. The Coral Fern is spectacular. Take the left-hand bend up a small hill and out into heathy country where Common Heath flowers well especially in winter. The corner of Shiney Eye and Harrison South tracks is usually impressive for flowering heathland plants. Continue along Ridgeview Track bordered by swathes of pale-yellow Sweet Wattle in early winter and where in autumn you may find Fringed Hare Orchids hiding amongst Tassel Rope-rush. Other orchids include Tiny and Browntipped Greenhoods, Red Beaks, sun orchids and Large Duck Orchids.
Turn right at Powerline Track where there are good views of Anglesea and the old Alcoa mine site. Before turning left at Boundary Track keep an eye out for Powerful Owls that just might be nesting in this area. They were regular visitors to the former Alcoa site. Follow Boundary Track back to the roundabout on Coalmine Road to the pick-up car.
Tiny Greenhood (Photo by Margaret MacDonald)
Red Beaks (Photo by Margaret MacDonald)
Swamp Harrier (Photo by JJ Harrison CC BY)
Flying Duck Orchid (Photo by Margaret MacDonald)
Powerful Owl with kill (Photo by Moonlight0551, CC BY)