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Wildflower Walk October 15, 2011

Seventeen members joined us for our annual Wildflower Walk and they were certainly not disappointed as the flowers were very spectacular.  We had chosen a site within the Great Otway National Park where a controlled burn had been carried out in April, 2011.

As a result of the burn many species of ground orchids had been appearing over the last few months. While some species have finished flowering, there were still plenty for us to see.

Leek Orchids, Hare Orchids, Spider Orchids, Eastern Bronze Caladenia, Tiny Caladenia, Purple Beard Orchid, Donkey Orchids, Onion Orchids and Red Beaks were all flowering in the area.

The Red Beaks Lyperanthus nigricans were greatly admired.

Admiring the Red Beaks
Admiring the Red Beaks
Red Beaks
Red Beaks

Although there was a cool breeze, many of the Sun Orchids were open – Salmon Sun Orchid, Spotted Sun Orchid, Rush-leaf Sun Orchid, Slender Sun Orchid and to our delight the Great Sun Orchid Thelymitra aristata.

Penne was there with the camera.

Great Sun Orchid
Great Sun Orchid

Many of the pea flowers formed a tapestry of colour.

Pea flowers
Pea flowers

The Friends enjoyed being able to share the beauty of the Great Otway National Park with those who came along on the walk.  Fire is important to maintain the ecology of the vegetation and this autumn burn has certainly had a positive effect on the flora species.

Two special plants that rely on fire for them to flower – Tufted Lobelia Lobelia rhombifolia and Holly Lomatia Lomatia ilicifolia.

Holly Lomatia
Holly Lomatia

Margaret MacDonald