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Wildflower Walk October 20

Sixteen people joined us for our annual wildflower walk on October 20. It was indeed a wildflower ramble rather than a wildflower walk as there were just so many flowers for us to admire in the section of the Great Otway National Park at the western end of Harvey St, Anglesea.

As we entered the Park we were delighted to see a mass of Blue Pincushions and Pink-Trigger Plants in full flower.

Blue pincushions and pink trigger plants
Blue pincushions and pink trigger plants

Just opposite there was a eucalypt with, I am sure, more than 100 of the tiny Eastern Bronze Caladenias growing in the grasses around the base of the trunk.

Photographing Eastern Bronze Caladenias
Photographing Eastern Bronze Caladenias
Eastern Bronze Caladenia
Eastern Bronze Caladenia

We had hoped that the weather would be warm enough to encourage the sun orchids to open, and we were certainly not disappointed. It was not long before we were catching glimpses of pink and blue as these fascinatong flowers were starting to open. We were just so privileged to share their beauty. Salmon Sun Orchids were growing in clumps throughout the Park while Dotted Sun Orchids were just scattered here and there amongst the grasses and other flowers. The rarer Pink Sun Orchid enabled us to look at the differences between this species and the more common Salmon Sun Orchid.

Pink Sun Orchid
Pink Sun Orchid

The Great Sun Orchids that had been tempting us by just opening on those very few warmer humid days also decided it was time to show their glory, and we found about six of these magnificent orchids growing to almost 1 metre high in various parts of the walk.

Group with Great Sun Orchid
Group with Great Sun Orchid

Donkey Orchids that have been flowering for many weeks now were still stunning, as were the Large White Spider Orchids. We counted up to 17 growing in a loose colony at one stage

Chris admires the Large White Spider Orchids
Chris admires the Large White Spider Orchids

Kaye’s sharp eyes discovered the Southern Spider Orchid. Very similar to the Red-lipped Spider Orchid it has clubs rather than glands at the end of the sepals.

Kaye with Southern Spider Orchid
Kaye with Southern Spider Orchid
Southern Spider Orchid
Southern Spider Orchid

There were so many other beautiful flowers – Button Everlastings, Creamy Candles, and Common Flat- pea just to name a few.

We had our lunch on the side of the track – Mantis Orchids, Blunt Everlasting, Yam Daisies, White Spiders, Creamy Candles and golden Guinea Flowers were just some of the table decorations.

After lunch we drove further along Mt Ingoldsby Road where we were able to admire some more flowers – Showy Parrot Pea, Purple Beard Orchids, three small Red Beaks and some of the fascinating early Flying Duck Orchids that were just coming into flower.

It was certainly a great day to be out in the field and we were thrilled to be able to share the beauty of our Park with our members.

Margaret MacDonald