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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Kalimna Falls Walk

The sun shone on us once again for a beautiful walk in the park. Eighteen people enjoyed the fern and moss lined track, the fungi and tall trees as we made our way along beside the full flowing Sheoak Creek.

sheoak creekSheoak Creek

We discovered a Dusky Antechinus cleaning itself on the side of the track.

dusky antechinusDusky Antechinus

It allowed us to have a good look and take photographs.

antechinus observationAntechinus observation

Later we found some more, both alive and dead. We thought they were probably males at the end of the mating season.

The Lower Falls had a good amount of water flowing over into the pool and we enjoyed eating our lunch on the rocks behind the waterfall.

lower kalimna fallsLower Kalimna Falls

Watching the water was mesmerising but the roaring water made conversation difficult and we headed out turning towards the Upper Falls which are closed for maintenance. Turning left took us up and down to Little Sheoak Creek, and then up again to Garvey Track.

garvey trackGarvey Track

This area reminded us of the Grey River Rd at Kennett River where we count koalas and despite lots of scat evidence on the ground we could not find even one in the trees as we hiked down the hill and back to our cars at the Sheoak Picnic Ground.

manna gumTall Manna Gum

Birds seen and heard included Yellow Robins, Eastern Spinebill, White-eared and New Holland Honeyeaters, Grey shrike-thrush, Currawong, Bristlebird, Gang Gang, Spotted Pardalotte, Superb Fairywrens and Crimson Rosellas.

Flowering plants included Bootlace Bush, Stinkwood, Common Heath, Dusty Miller, Sundews and Tall Greenhoods.


The Mintbush which wasn’t flowering was still obvious to everyone with its strong scent. Fungi included Brackets and interesting varieties of Puffballs.

common puffballCommon Puffballs

It was lovely day out enjoyed by all and we were pleased to welcome visitors including a year 7 student doing her Compass award.

Alison Watson